So I've been lucky enough to contribute some fantasy segments to a short film about an actress living in Los Angeles. My first task was to nail down a working, competent version of the main character in animated form. The fantasy thing involves a lot of western themes, so I get to make her into an awesome cowgirl. Yay!!
Thanks to a wonderful crash course in caricature from Joe M, (
I was off and running. Here's a compilation of a few ideas.
More on this as it develops.
Until Next Time.
Jul 30, 2007
Cowgirl Power
Jul 29, 2007
Oh, you Cheaterfish!!!!
A dream was described to me wherein a small fish kept stealing money from the tip jar of a local coffeehouse. The staff was constantly catching him in the act, but he kept doing it. Stealing more and more money for his own personal fish needs (Maybe he had fish gambling debts). They would yell, "CURSE YOU,CHEATERFISH!!!!!!!!!" He was a cheating, thieving goldfish.
Needless to say, the story was striking to me...striking enough to illustrate.
Until Next Time.
Jul 28, 2007
Many, Many Concepts
Here are quite a few more concepts for the various pieces I'm working on. I find a lot of the most productive stuff on here was done on the train. Maybe it's because I wanted to focus all my attention away from the gaggles of hyper children.

Until Next Time.
Jul 26, 2007
So yeah...
Wow, that last month was really a bust. At least I'm running to catch up exactly a month later...and a day. And I've got a barrel o' new stuff here!!!
I suppose I'll start where I left off, before my laptop was carried away by the twin demons Dead Motherboard and Tech Support.
I hate them so much.
Here's some sketches.

Until Next Time.